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In his introduction De Vries sketches the canonical setting of the books of Chronicles, especially in relation with Ezra-Nehemiah, and then discusses the redacted and original versions of Chronicles. He describes Chronicles as genealogical and narrative history that tells who/what ideal Israel is, how it has suffered by its unfaithfulness, and how it will remain true Israel by trusting in God.

upheavals accompanying the rise of the Achaemenids ca. 500 or those that characterized the third-century struggle between the Ptolemies and the Seleucids. Noth and Gressmann have dated the final redaction ca. 200, but mainly for ideological reasons. Welten (Geschichte) identifies Hellenistic military practices in parts of ChrH, but the dating he chooses is disputed. The chronology of Ezra-Nehemiah might determine an absolute date for the Chronicles except that a whole century (500–400 B.C.) is all
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